The following is either out of print or not for sale, for some reason. For the curious, here’s a collection of my super-hard-to-find work. I suppose it’s possible to hunt these things down, but just be aware that if you take this task on, it will be an incredibly hard row to hoe.
STRAIGHT TO VIDEO (contains “Thrill Killers From Planet Galexis”)
HARDBOILED #47 (contains “Daisy, Jeppke and the Kid”)
TOOTH DECAY (contains “What Comes Next”)
MONDO BIZARRO (contains “Abscess”)
STRANGE FUCKING STORIES (contains “The Knot That Binds”)
TALES OF THE TALISMAN (contains “The Space in the Bottom of Martin Oglesby’s Desk Drawer”)
CREATURE FEATURES (contains “Manifestation”)
STRANGE SEX 3 (edited by me, contains “A Market for All Things”)
THE SEQUEL: STRAIGHT 2 VIDEO (contains “The Revenge of the Procari”)
LITERARY HATCHET #12 (contains “Attitude Adjustment”)
M #2 (contains “Going Down”)
STRANGE SEX 2 (contains “Zero Recall”)
BLOODBOND May 2014 (contains “The Last of His Kind”)
ZOMBIE ZOMBIE BRAIN BANG! (contains “Pack Rat”)
THE ECLECTICS 2013 (contains “Free Ride”)
THE BRACELET CHARM WINTER 2012 (contains “The Hand That Shook the World”)
THE BRACELET CHARM WINTER 2010 (contains “From the Vineyard of Eden”)
TRAIL OF INDISCRETION #7 (contains “Holliday Steps Out”)
NIGHT TO DAWN #11 (contains “Endless Night”)
VAMPIRES 2 #2 (also contains “Endless Night”)
CTHULHU SEX MAGAZINE 1:21 (contains “Pack Rat”)
NUTHOUSE #78 (contains “Empty Nest”)
NIGHT TO DAWN #? (contains “A Night in the Unlife”)
NUTHOUSE #77 (contains “Clyde Nebbins Meets the Devil”)
DETECTIVE MYSTERY STORIES #40-something (contains “Free Garbage Day”)
DETECTIVE MYSTERY STORIES #? (contains “Hold Up Man”)
BALANCE (this is the first anthology I was ever in, and it contains “All’s Fair”)