Holy fuck, this is a huge doorstop of a book! The thing is, I’ve read just about every story in this book, so I don’t think this will take me very long.
Holy fuck, this is a huge doorstop of a book! The thing is, I’ve read just about every story in this book, so I don’t think this will take me very long.
I would love to tell you all to go out and read one of my rare forays into non-genre fiction, but for the life of me, I can’t find it on sale anywhere, not even on their website. Well, if…
Check it out here: http://thenapalmreviews.tumblr.com/post/46383691133/the-rebirth-of-john-constantine-a-review-of
Check it out here: http://forcedviewing.com/2013/03/27/embodiment-of-evil-movie-review-by-john-bruni/
A long time ago, Rice lost me when she lost her ability to edit and started repeating herself a lot. In more recent times, I’ve given her another chance, but she hasn’t changed much. However, there were some good parts…
I’ve only read one other thing by Giron, and I don’t remember being very impressed with it. However, I’m always willing to give a second chance. Sometimes even a third or fourth. We’ll see how this works out.
I’m a huge fan of Piccirilli’s work. He’s the absolute best when it comes to capturing the essence of very deep depression. No one else can touch him when it comes to melancholy things.
G.I. JOE SPECIAL MISSIONS #1: All right, after the Joe relaunch last month, I was just about ready to give up on the franchise. And yes, the second issue sucks pretty badly, although not as much as the first. Thankfully,…
Check it out here: http://talesofunspeakabletaste.blogspot.com/2013/03/it-can-finally-be-revealed-cover-of-my.html