I’ve read everything Lansdale has ever published. Why would I stop now?
I’ve read everything Lansdale has ever published. Why would I stop now?
Heinlein is probably my favorite classic SF writer, if not my favorite all-time SF writer. The man had a foot in the past and the other in the future. His social ideas were astounding, and STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND…
Fuck, I was on vacation, and I forgot to post this here. http://forcedviewing.com/2013/09/17/house-of-the-long-shadows-movie-review-by-john-bruni/
Come on. How could I not?
See why here: http://talesofunspeakabletaste.blogspot.com/2013/09/taking-break-from-blogging.html
I’m really not sure that AUDREY ROSE needs a sequel, but I really enjoyed the first book, so why not give it a try? Also, how can I NOT read something by D.F. Noble? The guy kicks ass.
Check it out here: http://talesofunspeakabletaste.blogspot.com/2013/09/cool-shit-9-12-13.html KICK-ASS 3, THE WALKING DEAD, and LOCKE & KEY: ALPHA.
Check it out here: http://thenapalmreviews.tumblr.com/post/60940968825/the-old-gods-return-a-review-of-god-is-dead-1
Check it out here: http://talesofunspeakabletaste.blogspot.com/2013/09/wizard-world-chicago-2013-artists-alley_10.html
Check it out here: http://talesofunspeakabletaste.blogspot.com/2013/09/wizard-world-chicago-2013-artists-alley_9.html