I love the movie, GIANT, and this is the source material. Jett Rink is a hell of a character, and I can’t wait to see how much of him originated in the novel, and how much James Dean brought to…
I love the movie, GIANT, and this is the source material. Jett Rink is a hell of a character, and I can’t wait to see how much of him originated in the novel, and how much James Dean brought to…
Check it out here: http://thenapalmreviews.tumblr.com/post/56976144000/a-badass-on-the-brink-a-review-of-thumbprint-2
When I was a kid, I used to hold books by Brunner with a thumb over the -ner part of his name so I could pretend it was my name. That’s right, how lame and dreamy is that? Anyway, I…
Brace yourself. I’m going to sound like a raging asshole when I come out against Free Comic Book Day: http://talesofunspeakabletaste.blogspot.com/2013/07/everyones-got-one-22-free-comic-book-day.html
It’s another Ace double from the old days. I bought the book because John Brunner has a book on the other side. I didn’t really know who David Grinnell was. Imagine my surprise when I found out it was legendary…
Check it out here: http://talesofunspeakabletaste.blogspot.com/2013/07/cool-shit-and-shit-shit-7-25-13.html
I’ve never been much for Poul Anderson, but this book looks really cool. It also helps that this is an Ace double, meaning on this side of the book is NO WORLD OF THEIR OWN, and if you flip it…
Check it out here: http://thenapalmreviews.tumblr.com/post/56333287486/they-live-a-review-of-the-x-files-season-10-2
It’s one of Ace’s old books from the ‘Fifties. I’ve never read Maine’s work before, but I can’t help but notice he’s got quite a bit of homophobia in his writing. He also seems to believe that the birth control pill,…
Yep, I met Joe Hill, author of HORNS, NOS4A2, LOCKE & KEY, and a variety of others. Check it out here: http://talesofunspeakabletaste.blogspot.com/2013/07/meeting-authors-6-joe-hill.html