COOL SHIT 3-7-13

Before Watchmen Rorschach 4 sample

BEFORE WATCHMEN:  RORSCHACH #4:  Another BW book comes to an end, and sad to say, it’s kind of a lackluster finish to a great miniseries, especially one written by a kick-ass writer like Brian Azzarello.  However, early on in the issue, the scumbag who has captured Rorschach removes his mask—his very face, if you’ll recall—and puts it on his own head.  He starts pretending to be Rorschach, openly mocking the real Rorschach’s “real” face.  It’s very strange stuff, and definitely thought-provoking.

 Dan the Unharmable 11 cover

DAN THE UNHARMABLE #11:  This is a very key issue in the story of Dan, the perennial apathetic.  While Lizzy’s lying to cops, trying to point them in any direction except for hers, Dan is starting to have odd sex fantasies about one of his daughters.  At the same time, he’s being investigated by DCFS, and he’s prostituting himself to a woman who looks a lot like the daughter in question, and to top it all off, he might soon become a hit man.  In the midst of all that, he’s starting to see ghosts, or is he?  He’s not necessarily crazy, but he’s definitely not normal.  What the fuck is David Lapham planning for this poor bastard?  Strangest of all is that final panel, in which we meet the big bad guys.  Even though a lot of this book has been off the rails, this might be even further off the rails than it’s ever been.  In fact, it changes the entire game.  If you haven’t seen it yet, I think you’ll shit a brick shithouse when you do.

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